Unity Flight Simulator

A physics-based flight simulator made in Unity with Google Maps API.


I've seen YouTube videos of Microsoft Flight Simulator and it's a really cool game. It's an incredibly realistic flight simulator with a 1:1 scale map of the Earth. I wondered how they made such a massive world, and I found out they used Bing Maps for the data. That got me thinking, why not try something similar with Google Maps and Unity? Combining Google Map 's detailed information and Unity 's capabilities could create something very similar to MFS.

Go Bigger?

Right now the game is just a very solid base. I could add volumetric weather and clouds add a atmosphere and add many more planes. I could have my very own Microsoft Flight Simulator if I really wanted to.

Project Information

Windows build, x86, 64. File size: N/A

  • Made using Unity game engine .

  • Made using the Universal Rendering Pipeline .

  • Built for Windows .

Average FPS
Completed Project
Unity Version