About Me

Hello, I'm Robbie, and I'm a dedicated Unity programmer with over three years of hands-on experience in game development and interactive experiences.

I My adventure in the world of game development began when I first encountered Unity, a game-changer in the world of game development. I first discovered Unity when I was really bored and wanted to do something new, then a thought struck me, I loved playing video games, so I thought, why not make one? I set off and went to look for some good game engines and found Unity. I thought it was very accessible and was free, there were also tons of helpful tutorials on making a game in Unity, so I picked it and started creating. Over the past three years, I've had the privilege of working on a diverse array of projects, each offering unique challenges and learning opportunities, I gathered more and more knowledge and started to learn more like VFX, 3D modeling, etc.

It brought me here. I'm always excited to explore new opportunities, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and embark on exciting projects. Whether you're in need of a Unity programmer, interested in discussing the latest developments in the world of game development, or simply want to share ideas, don't hesitate to get in touch. Let's join forces on a creative journey, turning concepts into realities, one project at a time.

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